circleFancy Brushes

In Painter 7, each of the brush variants are separate XML files, which can be added to any brush category folder under the "Painter Brushes" folder or other brush library folders. A captured dab brush is a set of an XML file and an image file (JPEG file) of a same name. They must always be copied and moved together.

snowflake brush Snowflake brush (2002/11/07)

This is a brush with a captured dab in the shape of a snow crystal. The sample to the left has been created by adding "drop shadow" to the transparent layer on which snowflakes have been painted in white.

[ XML File ]
[ Captured Dab ]

bubbles on white brush Bubbles brush for white background (2002/09/05)

The bubble has been hand painted. Why are there two versions to this brush? Because of the highlight on the bubble: The highlight must always be lighter than the rest.

[ XML File ]
[ Captured Dab ]

bubbles on black brush Bubbles brush for dark background (2002/09/05)

The same brush for dark-colored backgrounds.

[ XML File ]
[ Captured Dab ]

(Last Modified: 2002/11/07)
